What if you could actually lose weight on the diet and exercise regime you are doing right now.
Have you ever worked your butt off to try to lose weight? And for the first few weeks it worked. But then, despite your best efforts, you were unrewarded.
“This photo took me by surprise. I didn’t see myself looking this big in the mirror. No, not even pregnant.”
Liz Jackson finally went to a Personal Trainer, thinking she would give her the hard line and help to keep her accountable. She faithfully wrote down everything she put in her mouth, just as the trainer told her to, going for walks, lifting weights, did the squats, etc. Yet on the third or fourth week she stopped losing. The trainer looked at the list of food intake and said “Liz, you’re either lying or we need to look at where we can cut back further.”
Liz knew she had been honest with the list of food intake, so the thought of cutting back further was something unfathomable – something she knew she couldn’t sustain long term. All of her hard work would be wasted and that the weight would come back on as soon as normal eating resumed.
“I knew that there had to be more to this caper than what we were being taught”.
What if the ability to lose weight came by merely:
Change your mind, not your diet
Liz Jackson discovered how to make it so, AND not only proved it to be possible for herself but having other people test it as well. In fact, one of those people actually stopped his (undiagnosed) addiction to chocolate. This man could certainly put it away! Aside from losing 100 lbs (45 kg) without trying, he also said that he:
“haven’t bought any chocolate for five days, and I don’t miss it”.
Liz said “I had heard of Hypnotherapists and even tried a couple of them, but they didn’t help at all. Neither did they help me with the headaches I used to endure once a month for five days. I’m so happy that I haven’t had those for many years.
What I discovered was not something I’d ever heard of before, and I wouldn’t have given it any consideration if it didn’t creep into my life slowly. And who would believe that the answer would come in such a simple form and with such fast results.”
As Liz would sit watching life go by ie: the woman trying to walk normal while her feet are clearly hurting with each step, or the one with the “apron” (sagging belly). “I’d love to be able to run up and tell them that their illnesses and weight issues could be so easily dealt with, so quickly and so thoroughly. However most people would think it’s too good to be true and not give it the time of day – If I were in that position I would be skeptical too. (Actually, I was. I didn’t go looking for this – it found me.)”
“However, once I explain how it works though it makes so much sense that they can’t fathom how we got so caught up in the whole diet and exercise thing in the first place. I guess that if a permanent solution were available then most people who make a living out of advising those old methods would be out of a job. It’s in their best interest to keep you struggling”.
So then. Do you dare to discover the easiest solution to your health issues. If not then where will you be in five years’ time? Still worrying about your problems? Spending loads of money on pills, programs, physically working hard? Maybe trying the new tablets that have been showing good results. What are the side effects? What happens when you can no longer afford to buy them or they are no longer available?
What is on offer here is a ONE TIME SOLUTION! No more payments. No follow up courses. No more dipping into your pockets. ONE TIME! Sigh, how refreshing!
If you prefer to “DO IT YOURSELF”, there is also a two-day workshop where you can learn why it is all but impossible to get to your natural weight without dieting or exercising. Then I teach you why these things and other illnesses and issues arise. Then I teach you how you can get these results for yourself. In a spirit of full disclosure, only a small percentage will get the results they desire. I want you to win this battle.
It seriously cannot get any easier or quicker than this. If you find a way, please tell us because we don’t know of anything that is more effective, quick or thorough.
Why are you still reading? It doesn’t get any better than this!
Actually, it does. The SUCCESS SIGNATURE SWITCH -The Full Rosy