Isn’t it time you enjoyed A FABULOUS LIFE!

The way you tell your story online can make all the difference



Success Signature Switch is a potent healing program, downloadable right there wherever you are. It is designed to turn your average (or below average) life, into A Fabulous Life!


Is your life playing out the way you want it to?

  • What if you could easily make more money but someone is standing over you ensuring you don’t.
  • What if you could easily be healthier but people keep telling you that you can’t and you shouldn’t try. “Here, take a pill instead”
  • What if you had the opportunity of a lifetime but someone warned you that if it’s too easy or too good to be true, then it probably is.

Read more, even if you’re skeptical

I am going to tell you how things are, and what is possible however, I am obliged to say what “MAY” occur as part of the Success Signature Switch (Switch for short).  If I state facts about what it can do then I will have to prove my claim.  I can, of course, but to prove to the authorities that be, would tie up the Switch for years with testing, and I have already spent enough time getting this to you, so I don’t want it to be held up any longer.  You have likely experienced enough physical, mental and emotional pain for many lifetimes, so let’s not hold things up any longer.  AGREED?

Why do I need it?

You may believe that you are fine and that your current life is okay.  Sure, I get that.  But what are you missing out on?  Here’s an example:  if your parents have a belief such as: money is the root of all evil, and you’ve taken on this belief as your own (intentionally or otherwise) then you may find it difficult to gain any significant amount of money because this would be evil.  You may never be able to have more than “enough” money to cover the basics and maybe the odd holiday.  If you had any significant windfall, it will likely disappear or be absorbed by bills, etc in no time at all.

If you have a desire for a career that has high earning potential, you may find it difficult to land your perfect job because it will give you more money than the amount that fits into the parameters of that rule.  If you have more then you will be “evil” and we can’t have that.  By removing that rule or belief, then it frees you to become as wealthy as you desire.  There is nothing evil about it  (this saying probably stems from tall-poppy syndrome.  This is just one of the ways the Switch helps you.

This is just one simple belief however, such beliefs and rules can get quite intricate and ….. ridiculous, such as gagging while cleaning your teeth; or not making it to the toilet before starting to pee.  I could explain more but that’s not what this information page is for.  I just want you to get the idea.

So then, imagine a genie who offers to grant your wishes.  And you say “I’ve already written down all that I want, right down to not wanting any hair from here to here; I want money to come continually into my bank account without me working hard, ……   In fact, here’s a zip drive with everything I want, already listed”.

I have taken the liberty of including on it all the things that can make your life a whole lot better, easier, happier and great relationships.  And I’ve removed the things that most people don’t want:  theft, mistrust, unsupportive, illness, ill-health and obesity.

The list is miles long and I’ve made so many adjustments that I don’t even have a single copy of it all, but that’s okay because it’s all in the file as it needs to be, so that it is effective and very potent.

This being the case it is not possible for anyone to copy the original, or even the final copy.  Also, as it is delivered via an MP3 file where only a cute little tune is audibly heard.  In this way my intellectual property is safe from theft or reproduction.  The gold is in what cannot be heard because it is delivered directly to the part of you that matters.  Therefore if you purchase a copy from any other website you will not be purchasing a genuine copy, which will not work.  Also, if you form a group, or are sharing a copy with family, you may not play a part, then pass it on, as the first play is the only one which has the message.  Any further plays, or even part plays, are completely blank and useless.  You will have one opportunity to access it, so all participants must be in hearing vicinity of the sound.  This may be up to four humans and two animals.

Naturally, I am legally required to create a warning, that you must make your own decisions about ceasing any medications or making choices regarding your health however, the reason your health issues arose is the very reason why I created this program.  I designed it to, not only remove the reasons they happened to you but also to remove all symptoms, and make it so that it never happens again.

This includes cravings after trying to escape addictions.  A man who was addicted to chocolate told me he hadn’t been to the shop to buy chocolate for five days and didn’t miss it.  A smoker told me she normally had a cigarette while driving from the shops.  She just didn’t feel like having one.  She told of other previously normal situations where cigarettes are no longer a necessity

“What did you do to me?  I can’t believe it” she exclaimed

Because you are removing the reason behind the habit, behavior, tradition, etc, you enjoy satisfaction.  When you are satisfied there is no need for cravings.

Think about it.  Have you ever been having the best ….. experience…. with a partner and at the moment of climax did you think: Did I put the kettle on?  Or:  I need something to eat – something really healthy.  And that is what I designed the Switch to do.  To create satisfaction, so that your body doesn’t yearn to: trip you up when there is nothing on the path; to get sick with the current pandemic; to give you a long-term illness; or to keep you poor.
Eliza Rose Coaching will give you your money back after 30 days of trial. I know you'll be happy

The Success Signature Switch is backed by our 30 day guarantee.

This clicks in after 30 days so that you have had time to notice the changes.   We know the Switch works so we know you won’t need to contact us.  However, unlike many company claims, we are actually here if you need to.

Do you need more convincing?  If you do then it is likely that there’s a part of you that is unwilling to let go of those things,  In saying that, it knows it must.  Otherwise it would not have shown you this site.

Liz Jackson went through many years of trialing and testing to create this incredible, potent solution to your woes, so that you can enjoy

A Fabulous Life!

Please note that all prices are in USD.

Additional information

Do it for me

I want to know how to have A Fabulous Life but I haven't got time to learn how to do it myself. Can you just do it for me? Yes. This incredible, potent Switch is so excellent – PLUS we were able to BOTTLE IT so you don't have to do a thing. AWESOME!

Success Signature Switch

A potent healing program designed to help you enjoy A Fabulous Life, from Eliza Rose Coaching.